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Somebody Stop Me!

December 20th, 2012 at 09:25 pm

This is the second post in less than a month. That's some sort of record for me. So I got to thinking - and the more you read my blogs, the more you will realize that I am ALWAYS thinking something - that writing a blog may be a good exercise to help me focus.

You know how you hear about people that have a notebook by their bedside or in the bathroom or outside the shower so they can write down ideas that pop in their head? You know those ideas - what did i forget to pack? I need to remember to call... what do I need to do tomorrow? etc. In order to sleep (or do whatever) in peace, it helps to write them down. There is something in the act of doing so that puts your mind at ease and says it is ok to move on.

There has to be a paper written on that someplace. If not, I just gave a psych professor somewhere a great idea.

Incidentally, I think that parentheses and dashes were invented for the random thinker - or what I call a popcorn thinker (Pop! There's an idea. Pop! There's another...). The popcorn thinker has difficulty keeping a single train of thought so he/she uses the parentheses and dashes to insert the actual thoughts that enter their mind, whether or not it is relevant to the current discussion. You will notice a lot of these in my blogs.

Anyway, I started to think that writing a blog post might be therapeutic in helping me get thoughts out of my head so I can perform better at work. I love numbers and could talk personal finance all day. Unfortunately, it is not necessarilly germain to my job, and I dont get paid to be thinking about personal finance. So, maybe if I get my thoughts - random as they are - out on 'paper' and out of my head, I will be more productive! Sound plausible?

Remind me later to ask my boss for a raise. Such an increase in productivity needs to be rewarded!

One more random thought - when a job posting states "awesome culture", is that like saying your blind date has a good personality? Not that I am looking, but I saw it in a LinkedIn status update.

Nonethless, if I can remember to post an entry now and then, expect a lot of random thoughts. I just need to get stuff out of my head. You, my Faithful Reader (a term Stephen King often uses - love his work!) have become my therapy. Good luck with that.

** In fact (and this is the honest truth), I just had to re-type this entire blog. I went to categorize it and saw the link for "Edit Categories". Since I didnt (at the time) have a Category for Random Thoughts, I clicked on the link and promptly lost my original post.


4 Responses to “Somebody Stop Me!”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    You definitely write with humor! Smile

  2. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    LOL SQUIRREL! Thanks for my laugh of the day.

  3. Shiela Says:


  4. Jerry Says:

    Ha! Nothing says "Happy Holidays" like "SQUIRREL!" Wink Jerry

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