Home > Calgon...


January 4th, 2013 at 04:36 pm

Admit it. You just finished that phrase with "...take me away." At least you did if you are over the age of 25. You remember the Calgon commercials showing a stressed-out woman just longing for a nice bath of Calgon-induced suds. They aired in the early 80s, but can probably be found on youtube someplace. (I am betting that someone who reads this will respond with a comment containing a link!)

In my case, today it is ", take me away." Doesnt have quite the same ring to it, but oh well. I just finished the past two days work of reading 115 pages of an RFP response for a major project at work. I had to review all the details and then send out my 10+ pages of notes on it.

See it isnt about the difficulty of the task. I love what I do and am thoroughly enjoying the procurement process that we are knee-deep in. And its not that 115 pages is really that much. My wife would have read through that in about 4 hours. The problem is I read so cotton-pickin' slow!

(By the way, did you see that firestorm on the Internet about the Wheel of Fortune contestant who loast about $4k because she mis-enunciated "Seven Swans A-Swimming"? She left the "g" off swimming, so it came out Swimmin'. Pat Sajak (and whoever his off-screen judge is)said that she could not win because she didnt correctly give the answer.)

Anyway, I read horribly slow. Always have. Especially when I am reading for detail. I think part of it is the short attention span that I mentioned before. I think I read a paragraph or two, get distracted and have to start over again because I forget where I was. Not good.

And it is so exhausting for me. Like seriously, physically exhausting. I am a big-picture guy. I ask for details when I need them to better understand strategy or approach. It drains me when I am stuck in the details for too long, and I have been there all week. You would never guess I did my undergrad work in Accounting. (Of course, it IS why I left public accounting after a couple years and did my Master's in Strategic Management. There's that whole introspection thing again...)

So thank you for re-charging my batteries. I think I need another extended holiday break. TGIF.

1 Responses to “Calgon... ”

  1. Petunia in a Flower Garden Says:

    I remember that commercial. . .

    Have you ever looked into other reasons (besides attention span) why you might be a slow reader? I ask only because due to my DD I've had to learn about eye problems that don't show up on a typical eye exam. With vision therapy reading became much easier on her physically.

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